Spring B 2025 Workshop Information
Fill out this form to give Arts@302 as much detailed information on your workshop as you can. Please only fill out workshop information for proposals that have been approved by the Program Director.
We have added a “Save and Continue” option that you can take advantage of. To verify that your form was sent correctly, please make sure that a copy of your responses was sent to your listed email.
For any questions or concerns, please contact caleb.ricketts@arts302.com
Spring B 2025 Dates
Main Schedule: March 24th-May 3rd
Mondays: March 24th-April 28th
Tuesdays: March 25th-April 29th
Wednesdays: March 26th-April 30th
Thursdays: March 27th-May 1st
Fridays: March 28th-May 2nd
Important Dates
January 6th @ 5pm: Final deadline for class submissions and information (ALL FORMS)
January 28th, 2025: Launch of Spring A 2025 schedule